Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Enthusiasts" are better than magazines

Chapter three of "The New Influencers" touched on a special breed of bloggers-those who focus on a topic that they are specifically excited about- instead of making journal-ish entries on their day to day lives.

Unless I know a person or they have a particularly interesting life (bear wrestler?) then I most likely will not read their blog. However "enthusiast" blogs I do read on a daily basis. For me these blogs basically function as FREE and frequently updated replacement's of print magazines. Only often more than not, these blogs are run by one person with a witty or biting style that may or may not of made it into a print magazine. Also because of the linking ability of the web these blogs act as portals to other material of interest, something that printed material could never do so quickly.

Over my next few posts I plan on highlighting a few of my favorite "enthusiasts" and the specific PR and social media implications that they contain.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm looking forward to your next posts. Thanks to you, Austinist ended up on my RSS feed - I've enjoyed their ACL reviews. :)